
The first step was to create prefabs for the various terrains: Ice, Water, Glass, Grass and Sand. The next step consisted of creating the player with a collider for detection and character controller for movement. After scripting the movements, Scriptable Objects were used to play the desired sound effects for the specific terrain type. With the help of Unity’s GUI library, the logs were displayed for the character and terrain stats.

The player has a capsule collider attached which triggers whenever the player leaves a specific terrain type area and enters a new one. For instance, if the player leaves the sand terrain and enters the glass terrain, the speed of the player is decreased as well as the glass scriptable object is used for the sfx for the glass footsteps. Prototyping the build was a fun experience! Adding sfx made it interesting.

Build Notes:

  1. Question: Can a game have a smart terrain which affects the player stats and also affects the sfx? Hypothesis: The game can have prefabs for the terrain such as for sand, water, grass and others with separate properties. The player collider can interact with those prefabs and recognize each separate terrain with their corresponding tags and that comparison can determine player stats and the sfx such as the footsteps.
  2. Inputs: 
    1. WASD for movement
    2. Hold SHIFT to move faster / sprint
    3. ESC to exit application
    4. ‘R’ + ‘=’ to reload scene
  3. Assets & Libraries:
    1. Synty Studios POLYGON Starter Pack - Low Poly 3D Art : EULA License
    2. Ultimate Sound FX Bundle: EULA License
    3. Moody Tunes - LEGO Microgame : EULA License
    4. Cinemachine : Unity Package 


PrototypeOne Play in browser
Jan 17, 2022

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